The Networks Financial Institute at Indiana State University and Faegre Drinker will present the 17th annual Insurance Public Policy Insurance Summit on Wednesday
The Networks Financial Institute at Indiana State University and Faegre Drinker will present the 17th annual Insurance Public Policy Insurance Summit on Wednesday
The Networks Financial Institute at Indiana State University and Faegre Drinker will present the 17th annual Insurance Public Policy Insurance Summit on Wednesday. The summit, which brings together industry experts and government leaders to discuss public policy and legal issues facing the insurance industry, will take place at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, Washington D.C.
Registration is complimentary and open to the public. A livestream option is available at isunetworks.org.
ISU students, Networks Financial Institute scholars, will participate in a discussion over lunch. ISU President Deborah J. Curtis; Pat Hughes, Partner at Faegre Drinker; and Karima Woods, Commissioner of the District of Columbia Department of Insurance, Securities, and Banking, will deliver the opening remarks. Terry Daugherty, Dean of the Scott College of Business, will give the closing.
Other speakers:
Saat Alety, Director, Federal Affairs and Public Policy, Allstate
Jason Berkowitz, Chief Legal & Regulatory Affairs Officer, Insured Retirement Institute
Kathleen A. Birrane, Commissioner, Maryland Insurance Administration
Melissa Bova, Vice President of State Affairs, Finseca
Dean Cameron, Director, Idaho Insurance Department and President, National Association of Insurance Commissioners
Michael F. Consedine, CEO, National Association of Insurance Commissioners
Tony Cotto, Director of Auto and Underwriting Policy, National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (NAMIC)
Sue Erhart, General Counsel, Great American Insurance Group
Rep. French Hill (R-AR), Ranking Member, Subcommittee on Housing, Community Development, and Insurance, U.S. House Financial Services Committee
Kate Kiernan, Vice President of State Affairs, Zurich North America
Keri Kish, Director of Government Relations, Wholesale & Specialty Insurance Association
Tracey Laws, Senior Vice President, Head of Government Affairs, Athene
Rep. Matt Lehman, Majority Floor Leader, Indiana House of Representatives
Pat Reeder, Deputy General Counsel, American Council of Life Insurers
Steven E. Seitz, Director, Federal Insurance Office, U.S. Department of the Treasury
Dave Snyder, Vice President, International Policy, American Property Casualty Insurance Association
Thomas R. Sullivan, Senior Associate Director, Federal Reserve Board
Karima M. Woods, Commissioner, District of Columbia Department of Insurance, Securities, and Banking