Indiana State E-newsletter

Frequently asked questions about Indiana State newsletter (Indiana State Today)

Submit Newsletter Entry

University Communication coordinates the entries provided to Indiana State Today, the electronic newsletter sent to the ISU community and external subscribers on weekdays. If your question is not answered in the FAQ, contact University Communication at 812-237-8764 or

How do I subscribe to Indiana State Today?

University faculty, staff, and students should automatically receive Indiana State Today.

Others wishing to subscribe to Indiana State Today may do so by sending an email to with only the words subscribe ISU-COMMUNITY-L in the body of the message. Email signatures or attached vcards will prohibit the subscription process. No subject line needed.

Then, you will receive an email with a link to finalize your subscription. Click that link, and you should be sent one more email verifying your subscription to Indiana State Today.

What if I subscribed, but I'm not still not receiving Indiana State Today?

Please check your junk inbox. Also, please ensure that is listed in your email program’s "Safe Senders" list.

How do I "unsubscribe" from the newsletters?

University faculty, staff, and students cannot unsubscribe from Indiana State Today. Friends of the university wishing to unsubscribe to Indiana State Today may do so by sending an email to: with only the words unsubscribe ISU-COMMUNITY-L in the body of the message. You will, then, receive an email with a link to finalize your request to unsubscribe. Click the link, and you should be sent one more email verifying you have unsubscribed from the newsletters.

Note: The body of your email should only contain the phrase unsubscribe ISU-COMMUNITY-L and nothing more. Email signatures or attached vcards will prohibit the unsubscribe process.

How can I submit an entry?

Complete the submission form with the required information. Entries must be submitted by 3 p.m. the day before they are to run.

How should I compile my entry?

Keep items brief and stick to the important points of who, what, when, where, how, and why (when appropriate). If additional information is needed beyond the summary, additional information should be posted online by the group submitting the message with a link to the additional information. Attachments (jpg and PDF formats recommended) can be uploaded.

What events can be publicized via newsletter?

Entries must have a direct relationship with the university and be of interest to faculty, staff, and students. Commercial advertisements for for-profit entities are not permitted. Notices of non-profit fundraising activities and events must have a general university connection such as an ISU team being formed for Race for the Cure, etc.

In addition, the use of targeted email announcements sent through the MyISU will be limited to student groups and subgroups of the employee group. Individual messages for workshops, events, and other announcements for faculty and staff should be submitted for the newsletter.

How many times will my entry run?

In general, an entry can run a maximum number of two times - if requested. If you do not request an entry run twice, it will only run once. It is recommended the dates are not consecutive. University Communication reserves the right to determine whether a submitted entry is appropriate for the newsletter. Depending on the volume of entries for a given date or dates, University Communication may run the entry on other appropriate dates.

Can I request that my entry run as a Special Announcement?

Generally speaking, no. Special Announcements are used to communicate an urgent or emergency situation and/or to inform the campus community about news or events with significant university impact.

If you have any other questions not answered on this page, please contact University Communication at (812) 237-8764 or